All Publications (PI)

[29] “Predicting the impact of American Economic Review articles by author characteristics”, forthcoming, Quantitative Science Studies

[28] “Network analysis of econometric society fellows”, Forthcoming, Scientometrics

[27] “Co-worker network: How closely are researchers who published in the top five economics journals related?”, 2020, Scientometrics, 124 (3), 2301-2317

[26] “A longitudinal analysis of the effect of alphabetization on academic careers”, 2019, Data and Information Management,  3(2), 72-83

[25] “Citation performance of thirty keywords in economics”, 2019, Applied Economics Letters, 26 (14), 1167-1170

[24] “Path to Success: An analysis of US educated elite academics in the United States”, 2018, Scientometrics, 117 (1), 105-121

[23] “Author-weighted impact factor and reference return ratio: can we attain more equality among fields?”, 2018, Scientometrics, 116 (3), 2097-2111

[22] “Citation performance of publications grouped by keywords, titles and abstracts”, 2018, Data and Information Management, 2 (2), 83-90

[21] “Tenure and turnover of academics in six undergraduate programs in the United States”, 2018, Scientometrics, 116 (1), 101-124

[20] “Birthday effect”, 2018, Applied Economics Letters, 25 (13), 914-917

[19] “Do researchers pay attention to publication subsidies?”, 2017, Journal of Informetrics, 11 (2), 423-434

[18] “An analysis of the foreign-educated elite academics in the United States”, 2017, Journal of Informetrics, 11 (2), 358-370

Media coverage:

(i) Times Higher Education, “One in three top US professors educated overseas study finds”, 2017, available on-line:

(ii) Kathimerini, “Greek professors a force to be reckoned with in US academia”, 2017, available on-line:

Original article in Greek:

[17] “Interfield equality: Journals versus researchers”, 2016, Journal of Informetrics, 10 (4), 1196-1206

[16] “Does alphabetization significantly affect academic careers?”, 2016, Scientometrics, 108 (3), 1603-1619

Media coverage:

Times Higher Education, “End of alphabet surnames ‘do not harm careers’ ”, 2016, available on-line: careers

[15] “Students trapped in the centralized university admissions system”, 2016, Economics Bulletin, 36 (1), 522-527

[14] “International trade in ideas”, 2016, Scientometrics, 107 (3), 899-916

[13] “Is it easier to publish in journals that have low impact factors?”, 2016, Applied Economics Letters, 23 (11), 801-803

[12] “Interfield comparison of academic output by using department level data”, 2015, Scientometrics: 105 (3), 1653-1664

[11]  “Üniversitelere yerleşmede farklı katsayı uygulamasının etkileri” (with Kadir Doğan), 2015, Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi: 70 (1), 59-88 (in Turkish)

[10] “Why do economists publish less”, 2014,  Applied Economics Letters, 21 (11) 760-762

[9] “Vakıf üniversitelerinde ücretler”, 2013, Sosyoekonomi Dergisi, (2), 1-26 (in Turkish)

[8] “Publication performance and student quality of Turkish economics departments” (with Kadir Doğan), 2013,  Sosyoekonomi Dergisi, (1), 71-86

[7] “Do experts know more about soccer betting?”, 2013, Empirical Economics Letters, Vol 12 (4), 447-452

[6] “Efficiency in a monopolistic betting market”, 2013, Empirical Economics Letters, Vol 11 (1), 69-73

[5] “The causes of gender inequality in college education in Turkey" (with Kadir Dogan), 2011 Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol 15, 691-695

[4] “Comparative advantage and college admissions in Turkey” (with Kadir Dogan), 2011 Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, vol 15, 1862-1865

[3] “Üniversitelere öğrenci yerleştirme sisteminde tercih bildirimindeki kısıtlamanın etkileri” (with Kadir Doğan), 2010 Ankara Üniversitesi SBF Dergisi, vol 65 (2), 59-88 (in Turkish)

[2] “Human capital and sorting models reconsidered”,  October 2010, Iktisat, Işletme ve Finans, vol 25 (295), 73-90

[1] “An economic analysis of color blind affirmative action”, (with Roland Fryer and Glenn Loury), October 2008,  Journal of Law, Economics & Organization, vol 24 (2), 319-355